Friday 16 December 2011

If I don't see you,Good Morning, Good Evening and Good Night

You can always count upon the classic film, "The Trueman Show" to cheer you up when your down. Its hilarious, adorable and amazing! I just love the line "If I don't see you,Good Morning, Good Evening and Good Night" as it really sums up my life at the moment.
This year I have left high school and moved to a sixth form college which has been one of the most scariest things I have ever done if I am being perfectly honest. I dont particularly like change which ironically is the inevitable feature of a human life. I was petrified as I was alone in my sixth form choice as all my "highschool friends" chose to go to the religious college whilst I went to the "rival" schools sixth form. Ever since I decided on the 24th August 2011, I wondered what I was thinking, these people had known each other for five years and I'd be the new kid. I fretted about not knowing anyone and being socially akward, basically every teenage insecurity went through my mind.
Yet I couldn't have been any more wrong. What I've learnt from this experience, is that it doesn't matter whether or not you spend every day with the people you grew up with. With true friends like mine, you don't have to spend every day in college with them as when you finally do see them, it's like nothings changed. Also I learnt walking into a new place may be scary but its fun too. When you walk through that new door, don't fret, just wear your confidence and smile. With new people, you make new friends and it's a fresh slate. You don't need to hide behind make-up as people will approach you + get to know you for being you and well I pretty love college.

So if I don't See for a while..I'm just going to take this time to say "Good Morning, Good Evening and Good Night".

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